Other Services
Please pray for the sick of our parish - Please submit name(s) to parish office, and please notify the parish office when names need to be added or removed.

Please pray for our Soldiers – We pray that God will protect and watch over those we love and care for as they bravely serve our country. By the intercession of the patron saints of soldiers, St. George and St. Joan of Arc; may they all return home safely.

SAB – Saint Anthony Bread is our Food Pantry we assist approximately 100 to 120 families a month, thank you for your support. We commit ourselves, through common prayer and worship, to mutual support, love and respect; to allocate 10% of our regular Sunday offering to “St. Anthony Bread” (our parish outreach ministry), and to maintain a county food pantry and be available and ready to assist all who find themselves victims of an emergency or an injustice..

Coffee and treats after Sunday Mass - Here at St. Anthony’s we come together after Mass to enjoy fellowship having coffee and a treat, please sign up for a Sunday to bring in a treat. All are invited to "Come and get your just desserts!" "Whether baking or buying”, be sure to take part in this worthwhile event. The coffee time is a traditional perk of going to church. It means getting to talk to some folks you’ve missed all week, (and if you’re especially blessed a donut, treat or two) while you're at it.

We need volunteers for treats after Sunday Mass – Please sign up to provide a treat that is served after Mass on Sundays. The sign up sheet is on the wall where the treats are served. It is a way of celebrating community within our church.

Parish Guild – Meets 2nd Sunday of each Month (about 20 minutes after Mass) please join us all are invited. The purpose of our Parish Guild is to bring together all of the members of the parish through spiritual, cultural, service and social activities. Many wonderful friendships are developing among those who become a part of the Parish Guild. We celebrate our happy times, and support one another when life presents a major challenge. We enjoy the social aspect of our parish life and the challenge to be of service to people in need.

What is that big jar in the Narthex? Everyone has spare change.  This is a great way to help the children in our school systems that are less fortunate, every little bit helps.