St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church
Our Mission Statement
As the Catholic family of the St Anthony of Padua, united in the faith and nourished regularly by God’s Word and Sacrament.
Our mission is to give witness to God's presences by acting justly, loving, tenderly and walking humbly with God (Micah 6:8).
We commit ourselves through common prayer and worship, to mutual support, love and respect; to allocate 10% of our regular Sunday offering to “St. Anthony Bread”(Our parish outreach ministry) and to maintain a county food pantry and be available and ready to assist all that find themselves victims of emergency or an injustice.
Saint Anthony of Padua Catholic Church located at:
833 W. Main St. Mountain City, TN 37683
Church Phone:
423-727-5156.(Please leave message)

Rectory: 513 Hickory St., Mountain City, TN 37683
Rectory in Elizabethton: Father Dennis Kress 423/542-8944
Emergency numbers: St. Mary’s in Johnson City, 423/282-6367 or 282-8696

Mass Schedule: Sundays 11 AM – Wednesdays 10 AM.
Bilingual Mass is the first Sunday of the month.

Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession)
Wednesday after 10AM Mass.
Confession is also available anytime by appointment.
Wednesdays 10AM, devotion to St. Anthony following Mass, Please come join us.